Astronomy 1 - Nov 23 1998 - Lecture Notes

Saturn's Satellites
Neptune and Uranus

Moon 4 days past New
Present Position of the Voyager Probes
Comparison of Rings of the Jovian Planets
	Ring Origins -source of materials
DIAGRAM OF RINGS (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
Recent studies have found ring material out to Thebe at 3.1 RJupiter

Properties Saturn's Satellites All have densities between 1.2 to 1.4 g/cm3 except Titan which has 1.9 Compare Jupiter's Galilean Satellites at 1.9 for Europa and Ganymede 3.5 for Io and 3.0 for Europa NAME DISTANCE FROM SATURN ORBIT PERIOD SIZE (planet radi) (days) (diameter, km) Cassini Div 2.04 0.47 Pan 2.22 0.57 20 Enke Div 2.27 A-ring Outer 2.28 0.60 Atlas 2.28 0.60 37 At the Edge of the A Ring Prometheus 2.31 0.61 148 shepherding satellite of F Ring F-Ring 2.34 Pandora 2.35 0.63 110 Shepherding satellite of F Ring (ART) Epimetheus 2.51 0.69 138 Janus 2.51 0.69 199 Mimas 3.08 0.94 398 Large Crater 'Herschel' Enceladus 3.95 1.37 498 Ice Volcanism (100% albedo)- Cratering faint E-Ring from emissions Calypso 4.89 1.89 30 L4 Point of Tethys and Saturn Telesto 4.89 1.89 30 L5 Point of Tethys and Saturn Tethys 4.89 1.89 1060 Cratered Geologic Ice Surface Dione 6.26 2.74 1120 Cratered Ice Surface Helene 6.26 2.74 32 Rhea 8.74 4.52 1530 Cratered Ice Surface note jump in orbit radii Titan 20.3 16.0 5150 Obscured by its dense atmosphere* Hyperion 24.6 21.3 370 Chaotic Rotation due to nearby Titan Iapetus 59.1 79.3 1440 Dark leading face (3% albedo) Tailing (50%) another jump in orbit radius Phoebe 215 550* 230 Retrograde Orbit * Titan's Atmosphere = 90% Nitrogen, 10% Argon, Trace Hydrocabons including Methane
Cassini Probe to Saturn Due in 2004 Present position of Cassini View from Cassini back toward Earth The Huygen Probe to Drop into the Atmosphere of Titan The Shedule of Cassine when it gets to Saturn
URANUS-NEPTUNE-PLUTO Physical Data Uranus Neptune Semi-major axis 19.19AU 30.06AU Solar Flux 3.6 W/m2 1.5 W/m2 Radius 25,559 km 24,764 (4.01 RE) (3.88) Mass 24.5 MEarth 17.1 Density 1.29 Water 1.64 g(surface) 0.79 gEarth 1.12 VESC 21.3 km/s 23.3 km/s axial tilt 97.9o 29.6o DIAGRAM OF URANUS TILT Teff 59 K 59 K (Neptune 7 K warmer than expected) Core (rock) 7500 km 7000 km Both Planets are more compact than expected Liquid Mantle for gas giant planets. Must have large rocky Boudary core. DIAGRAM OF INTERIOR COMPARED TO OTHER Atmosphere H2 90% 87% He 9% 12% CH4 1% 0.5% COMPARISON OF JOVIAN MAGNETIC FIELDS Surface Magnet Tilt Ofset Field Dipole (deg) (planet radius) Jupiter 4.0 G 17000 10 0.1 Saturn 0.2 500 1 0.0 Uranus 0.3 50 60 0.3 Neptune 0.2 30 55 0.5 Earth 0.3 1 11 0.0 DIAGRAM OF MAGNETIC FIELD GEOMETRY PLUTO NEXT