Take Survey
Survey Results

Surveys - Creating a Survey

The Acadia Online Survey System was designed by Acadia University to host surveys and collect useable data. Surveys once registered on this system become a resource that serves many purposes like getting feedback or using them for evaluation purposes.

Opening Front Page

Surveys for the Acadia Survey System are made in the form of a webpage.  Many choose to create their survey page in Microsoft Front Page.

to see a viewlet on Opening FrontPage

Applying Proper Settings

Before you begin creating your survey you should make sure that all of the proper settings are applied. 

to see a viewlet on Applying Proper Settings

Creating a Form

You also have to create a form before you begin your survey.  This form is very simple to make.

see a viewlet on Creating a Form

Short & Long answer Boxes

Knowing how to create short and long answer boxes are important in creating your survey as there will probably be short and long answer questions. 

learn how to Create Short and Long Answer Boxes

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are useful if you plan on having multiple choice questions or true/false questions in your survey.  It is possible to choose multiple answers or individual answers. 

learn how to Create Radio Buttons

Drop Down Box

In your survey, you may want to provide a drop down list of options to choose from.  This is great when asking the question of where someone is from, you can provide a list of all the province and or territories for example and they are able to choose from the list.  In this case it would be best to use a drop down menu opposed to radio buttons because it would take up less space.

to see a viewlet on Creating a Drop Down Box

Save your Survey

It is important to save your work fairly often just in case something were to happen that would result in the loss of the file.  By saving often, you are sure not to lose large amounts of work if the program or computer were to stop functioning.  It is also good practice to save more than one copy of your work in case you were to accidentally delete or erase a file. 

see a viewlet on Saving a Survey

Thank You Page

Once someone has taken your survey, it is nice for them to receive a thank you for their participation.  A good way to do this is to create a thank you page and link it to the survey so that it will appear once they have completed it.

to learn how to Create a Thank You Page


In order for your survey to work properly and to link to the thank you page, you must insert html code. 

to see a viewlet on inserting Form html Code

Posting a Survey

In order for people to take your survey, you need to publish it along with the thank you page. 

to see how to Post a Survey

Adding a Survey onto the System

In order for the survey system to accept data for your survey, you need to register the survey with the survey system.

to see a viewlet on registering as an Acadia Online Survey System user.

to see a viewlet on adding a survey to the survey system.

Set Survey Options

Once you have published your survey and have it authorized, you are able to access your survey on the system and make a number of necessary changes.  These changes include things such as the name of the survey, and the maximum number of submissions that it will accept.

to see a viewlet on Setting Survey Options

to see a viewlet on adding and deleting users.

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