Analyze Data
VBA Boxes

Excel - Using VBA Box Controls

Create a Single Line Text Box

Single line text boxes create an area to enter information like headings or topics, as well as student names and/or numbers.

to watch a viewlet on creating a Single Line Text Box

Create a Multi-line Text Box

Multi-line text boxes are similar to single line text boxes.  They are great to use in assignments for questions that require a longer answer. 

to watch a viewlet on creating a Multi Line Text Box.

Create a Drop Down Box of Text

Drop down boxes are great for providing students with a list of answers to choose from.  They can be used when asking a question that may have a number of answers; it can be similar to a multiple choice question.

to watch a viewlet on creating a Drop Down Box of Text.

Adding Check Boxes

Check boxes can be used to answer a true or false question, yes or no question, or even as check boxes when choosing things from a list of options. 

to learn more about Adding Check Boxes

Adding a Dynamic Scroll Bar/Slider Bar

Dynamic scroll bars allow you to change the number in the cell which in turn may change manipulating the other numbers in other cells. When cells linked to a slider bar are used to graph a chart, moving the bar will modify the chart.

to learn more about Adding a Dynamic Scroll Bar/Slider Bar.

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