Image Types
Obtain Images
Modify Images

Graphics - Obtaining Digital Images

Many people wish to enhance the look of their website and/or PowerPoints by adding pictures or other images. There are a number of ways to do this:

- Scanning images
- Extracting images from the web
- Using a digital camera 


You may wish to use pictures or images that have already been processed, such as an image from a text book or a photograph. In this case you will use a scanner to capture the image in order to insert it into your project.

When scanning an image, the resolution you choose depends on the way that you intend to use the image, or how it will be displayed.

If you are scanning an image for use on the web or in a presentation, you may wish to 'blow-up' the image by scanning it at a resolution higher than 72 dpi (dots per inch).  Scanning at 72 dpi. is good for things that are going on the web or in a power point presentation that are not going to be enlarged. Computer screens display at 72 dpi., therefore, small images that are scanned at higher resolution will be displayed larger on the computer screen. If the image you are scanning is going to be printed scanning at 150 dpi., or even 300 dpi may be more appropriate.

to see a viewlet on scanning an image

Extracting from the Web

When extracting images from the web there are two ways to save an image. If the image is built in a table, or has more than one part to it, instead of saving each part and rebuilding it you can copy the whole screen (PrtScn), or copy the active screen (Alt +PrtScn), then crop or resize your image in a photo editor (see Modify Images) and then paste it (Ctrl+V) directly into your document. For Single images, simply right-click and save as.

to learn how to save images from the web.

When using pictures and other images from the web, you must be very careful of Copyright Issues.  Copyrights are put in place in order to protect the right of the author's original work.  If the site does not specify 'free images' be sure to follow the proper steps necessary to gain permission from the author so that you may use it.  If you are unsure, contact the owner of the site from which you wish to extract the image.

to learn more about copyright issues.

Digital Camera

Using images from a digital camera are too big to put directly on the web or into a PowerPoint presentation even when you take the pictures on a lower resolution setting, especially if the format of the images are tiff which are much larger than jpg.

Obtaining images from a digital camera is very easy and straight forward.  These instructions should be outlined in the cameras instruction manual.  Most cameras (including those from Edtech), will prompt you with a message when you connect them to your computer.

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