
PowerPoint - Animation

Inserting a Hyperlink

Inserting a hyperlink to your presentation can be very useful when wanting to give examples or to better describe something.  Remember that when you insert a hyperlink, it is not embedded into the presentation; you have to be sure to keep all of the files in the same folder in order for it to work properly.  Otherwise, when you try to open your presentation on another computer it may not work.

to see a viewlet on Inserting a Hyperlink

Video and Sound

Adding video and/or sound to your presentation can be a very effective way to help explain your ideas.  It is important to remember however to only insert these things when and where they are necessary.

to learn about Video and Sound

Add and Group Objects

Grouping objects is often useful, as it allows you to modify and/or move a number of objects at once

to see a viewlet on how to Add and Group Objects

Entrance Effects

Entrance effects allow you to add an animated entrance of an object onto a slide.

to see a viewlet on adding Entrance Effects

Exit Effects

An interesting effect is achieved by making either images or text exit off the screen.

to see a viewlet on Exit Effect

Rotate and Fill an Object

Using the drawing toolbar you can draw and fill an object as well as add an effect to it so that it will rotate.

to learn more about Rotating and Filling an Object

Motion Paths

Custom Animation in PowerPoint gives the ability to produce a motion path for your clipart, image, or text to follow. These motions include anything from simple shapes like a circle to a more complex motion paths like a heart or a peanut. If a specific path is not available then you have the capability of custom designing your own path. You can also use multiple motion paths simultaneously and/or sequentially.

to see a viewlet on Motion Paths

Emphasis Effects

Emphasis effects can also be added to objects in PowerPoint, making the objects do anything from grow/shrink in size to lighten or darken in color. Emphasis effects can be specified to act on an object on its own or to act simultaneously with entrance, exit or motion path effects. In addition, numerous Emphasis Effects can be added to a single object.

to see a viewlet on Emphasis Effects

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