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ACME - Notes

The Notes feature in ACME is useful for uploading class notes, having students submit assignments or having a place for students to collaborate on a project together. ACME supports many document types to be uploaded, the only stipulation is that files can only be uploaded if they are less than 5 MB. It is recommended, however, that files over 2 MB, should be loaded on Plato (see Plato).

to see a detailed overview of all the Notes' features in ACME, which is recommended for new users.

Creating a Folder

When you create a folder in ACME, it defaults to a 'normal' folder. This means that students can not upload to it and can only download from it. This is the type of folder that is recommended for Faculty to upload class PowerPoints to.

to learn how to create a normal folder.

Group Folders

Students can collaborate on projects with the use of group folders. By default, all group folders are open to the entire class, but you can have the access restricted so that only the selected users get access to it. (This means that students will have access to upload and download files from the folder.)

to learn how to create a group folder.

Assignment Folders

Acme can be used to upload assignments, where only the instructor can access them. The instructor can then correct the assignment and re-upload it with comments for the student to view. For large assignments like webpages or videos, it is recommended that Plato be used (see Plato).

to learn how to create an assignment folder.

Restricting Access

All assignment and group folders can have their access level changed so that only the specified users can assess the folder and the files that are in it.

to learn how to restrict access in ACME.

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